Gain the right concepts and product ideas with concept tests

Whether a concept test for future communication or a concrete idea for a product – we accompany you from the very beginning and answer the following questions:

  • Do your concepts and product ideas strike a chord in your target group?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the concepts?
  • How large is the potential of the individual concepts?
  • Which one is the winning concept and how can it be optimsed further?

Different material and development steps can be taken into consideration in concept tests. This extends from testing of the first basic ideas to elaborate concepts, which are potentially supported by additional visualisations.

On the basis of great experience with product and concept tests in the consumer goods market, but also in the market of different service providers like finance, trade, and tourism, we define together with you a research concept which is coherent with your questions.

Konzepttests mit komma