Data Analytics Wirkungsanalysen mit komma

Applied Data Analytics

In times of increasing amounts of information and data, intelligent data analytics are gaining more and more importance. It is about strukturing and connecting data and information in such a way that real understanding emerges – data insights, which will advance your business.

We are offering a wide variety of tools and multivariate analyses within the field of Applied Data Analytics, with precisely this goal in mind. In this process, we are working with data which we collect on your behalf, already existing data sets, as well as merged data sources and information.

Certain lines of questioning we would like to discuss with you are:

  • Modeling
  • Driver analyses and
  • Typologies /Segmentation

We help you to get the best out of your data!


Marketing-Mix Modeling to optimise your marketing mix. What is the impact of your marketing activities on the overall performance of your brand or on your sales?

Advertising efficieny analyses to optimise your communication budget and media split. What is the impact of the online and offline advertising mix on effectiveness of a campaign, or on brand perception in general?

Which characteristics can brand equity be measured with and, thus, derive a meaningful brand equity index?

Driver analyses

Which characteristics do you have to improve to improve your brand performance, or other KPIs e.g. recommendation / NPS, customer satisfaction or willingness to buy?

Our driver analyses, help to determine precisely the right levers that have high potential to improve the performance of your brand or product. This helps to prioritise your activities and measures and focus your investments precisely to those topics that really matter and that improve the relevant KPIs.

Typologies / Segmentation

You would like to review your target group approach or you are looking for a target group typology, which is tailored to your business and your industry?

You would like to assess the potential of your target groups or markt segments?

You would like to identify your primary target group, i.e. the target group whose needs are satisfied most by your brand?

You would like to understand motives, attitudes, media consumption of your target group?